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Wait! A Note on Registration:

We’ve launched Cvent—our new events platform!

Registration for any event with a start date after Sept. 28 now requires a CFA Institute account.

I don’t have a CFA Institute account

  • No problem! You’ll have the chance to create one prior to registration.

I already have a CFA Institute account

  • Great! Be sure to use your existing credentials at registration.
Cvent Transition Guide

Edwin Schloss is a native New Yorker. He received his B.F.A. from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts where he majored in playwriting, so, naturally, he became a money manager. He studied security analysis at the New York Institute of Finance, and had the privilege of working with his father, the famed investor, Walter Schloss, for over twenty five years at the firm of Walter & Edwin Schloss Associates. He is currently on the Board of the Al Hirschfeld Foundation. For three years running, he was a member of the Broadway League as a Tony Voter, where he attended over forty-five plays a year. In 2010, Edwin received a Tony Award for best revival of a musical for “La Cage aux Folles.” He resides in Darien, Connecticut with his wife, Maureen. They are blessed to have two wonderful daughters, Katie and Emily.