Ken Robinson, CFA, CIPM, CPA, PFS

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Ken Robinson, is a Director in the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) area at CFA Institute. Mr. Robinson helps maintain the GIPS through management of the interpretations process, developing guidance for new technical areas, working extensively with volunteer committees, promulgating the GIPS standards and serving as a thought leader. Prior to joining CFA Institute, Mr. Robinson was a director in the investment management audit practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Mr. Robinson is a member of the Quantitative Investing Subcommittee of CFA Society Boston, the Performance Measurement Committee of NCREIF, and the GIPS Task Force of the NCREIF PREA Reporting Standards. Mr. Robinson has served as an appointed member of the North American Investment Performance Committee of CFA Institute, the Interpretations Subcommittee of the GIPS Executive Committee, and the Investment Performance Standards Task Force of the AICPA. Mr. Robinson holds a Bachelor of Science degree in finance from Indiana University