Mark Weisdorf

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Mark Weisdorf is Managing Partner of Mark Weisdorf Associates, focusing on private equity and infrastructure investment strategies. He is Investment Committee Chair of Swiss-based IST3 Global Infrastructure Fund; and a Senior Advisor to Toronto-based Climate Innovation Capital and Star Mountain Capital, based in NYC. In addition to numerous consulting projects, since 2015, Mark has facilitated over $3 billion of renewable energy, transportation and other infrastructure investments and financings.

As Global CIO & CEO based in NYC, Mark established JPMorgan’s Infrastructure Investments platform in 2005 and grew it to $10 billion AUM by 2014. Prior to 2004, Mark was Head of Private Markets at the CPP Investment Board in Toronto, where he developed and implemented Private Equity, Real Estate and Infrastructure investment strategies, totaling $7 billion.

Prior to 2000, Mark was a senior investment banker and executive in Toronto, at HSBC Canada (Deputy CEO), CIBC World Markets, and Merrill Lynch Canada. Mark is a CPA, CA, CFA and CBV; served on the Board of the ILPA, and was founding Chairman of its Research, Benchmarking and Standards Committee. Mark is a past President of the University of Toronto Alumni Association, where he obtained a B. Comm.

Mark Weisdorf Associates, LLC

Mark Weisdorf Associates specializes in identifying, developing and implementing alternative investment strategies generating attractive asymmetric risk-adjusted returns. MWA provides strategic consulting services and advice with respect to private market investment strategies; and works with institutional investors, investment management firms, as well as investee companies, on specific investment opportunities. In addition, Mark Weisdorf has provided expert opinions on matters before the courts involving institutional investment in Infrastructure. Current and past clients include Actis Power, Arjun Infrastructure Partners, Brookfield Asset Management, Climate Innovation Capital, China Construction America, Crane Capital, Global Infrastructure Partners, IST Investment Foundations, JCM Power, JP Morgan Asset Management, Macquarie Capital, the National Treasury Management Agency of Ireland, and Partners Group.