Michele Chiacchio, CFA

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Michele is an associate on the Structured Products team at Antares Capital LP, where he is responsible for optimizing performance across the firm’s investment vehicles. Antares Capital invests in sponsor-backed private debt, managing capital on behalf of its balance sheet and third-party investors in its Asset Management division.

Previously, Michele was in Global Markets at J.P. Morgan on the Structured Equity Financing team where he structured specialized financing solutions for asset managers and institutional investors. Prior to that, he worked on the Corporate & Investment Bank’s Credit Risk Management team underwriting, facilitating, and managing credit for a diversified portfolio of leveraged and investment grade clients in the asset management industry.

Michele earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Political Science from Florida State University and is currently pursuing an MBA from Columbia Business School. Michele is a CFA® charterholder and is a member of the CFA Society New York.