Torbjorn Hamnmark

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Torbjörn Hamnmark is Head of Strategic Asset Allocation at the Third Swedish National PensionFund, AP3. AP3 is a USD 40 Billion sovereign wealth fund serving as a buffer fund in the state income pension system. He has been with AP3 since 2010 as Senior Strategist with responsibility for portfolio construction. Since October 2014 he is Head of Asset Strategic Allocation. Torbjörn is also a member of the investment committees for Mistra (The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research) and WWF Sweden. He has an MBA in Finance and International Business and an Executive MBA in Leading Innovation, both from the Stockholm School of Economics. Before joining AP3 he was Head of Fixed Income at DnBNOR Asset Management in Stockholm for ten years. He started his career in 1989 as an options specialist with Arbitech (co-owned betweenSwedish Investor and Chicago based O’Connor). His derivatives career continued with Citibank inFrankfurt and London, where he was based 1995-1998