Barry Lau

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Mr. Lau is a Co-founder, Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer (Private Credit) of Adamas. Prior to the founding of Adamas, he was Head of Fund Derivatives Asia at BNP Paribas focused on structured collateralised lending on hedge fund assets.  Prior to BNP Paribas, he was at ABN AMRO focused on structuring dynamic guarantees and credit derivative instruments.

He was formerly a lawyer at Clifford Chance LLP, London, focused on private equity and hedge fund establishments and investments. Mr. Lau is on the global board and Co-chair of Asia for the Alternative Credit Council, a global body representing asset management firms in the private credit and direct lending space. Mr. Lau is also a member of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) within the Banking and finance task force. ESCAP is the regional development arm of the United Nations for the Asia-Pacific region. Mr. Lau obtained a law degree from University College London.