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We’ve launched Cvent—our new events platform!

Registration for any event with a start date after Sept. 28 now requires a CFA Institute account.

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  • No problem! You’ll have the chance to create one prior to registration.

I already have a CFA Institute account

  • Great! Be sure to use your existing credentials at registration.
Cvent Transition Guide

Mitchell F. Moss, CFA, is a research analyst in fixed income at Lord Abbett covering global power and regulated utility companies. His main focus is on US regulated and unregulated companies including project financing, and his coverage spans the credit quality spectrum from high investment grade to distressed. Previously, he was a credit analyst at Moody’s Investors Service from 2006–2012 covering the power and utility sectors. From 2003–2005, he was an associate equity research analyst covering the power and utility sectors at Morgan Stanley and Lazard Freres. From 2000–2003, he was a senior financial analyst at Stern Stewart where he was a consultant for multiple energy, utility, and industrial companies implementing EVA financial management systems. He earned an MSBA and BSBA in finance and accounting from Washington University in St. Louis in 2000.