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Debating Dividends and Their Impact on Stocks

Wednesday, July 17 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

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During this Oxford-style event, we will ask two preeminent thinkers to debate how dividends affect stock prices. Before and after the debate, we will ask attendees to say which side they agree with more. If you want to hear cutting edge research on this topic and to make your voice heard, join us!

    In-person registration will close exactly 24hrs before the start of the event.    In-person registration will close exactly 24hrs before the start of the event.


5:30 PM | Registration

6:00-6:05pm | Introduction and Poll 

Martin Fridson, CFA, Chief Investment OfficerLehmann Livian Fridson Advisors LLC

6:05 PM – 6:15 PM| Discussant One Presentation 

Daniel Peris, CFA, Ph.D, Senior Portfolio Manager, Federated Hermes

6:15 PM – 6:25 PM| Discussant Two Presentation

Don Chew Jr., Founding Editor & Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance

6:30 PM – 6:50 PM| Moderated Conversation

Christopher M. D’Agnes, CFA, Partner & Portfolio Manager, Hamlin Capital Management, LLC

6:50 PM – 7:00 PM| Audience Q&A 

7:00 PM – 7:05 PM| Closing Remarks and Poll

7:05 PM – 8:00 PM| Networking Reception