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- Jacquelyn Gillette
Jacquelyn Gillette
Jacquelyn Gillette is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
Her research focuses on the mechanisms that shape the information environment and the pricing of securities in public debt markets. Currently, her work concentrates on the role of accounting and information intermediaries in the corporate bond market. Gillette is also interested in the causes and consequences of voluntary firm disclosures and financial restatements. She is the author of “The Information Content of Debt Analyst Reports for Firms in Financial Distress.” PhD diss., University of Rochester, 2016. Working Papers: Accounting Restatements: Malfeasance and/or Optimal Incompetence (with Sudarshan Jayaraman and Jerry Zimmerman)
Work-in-Progress: How the Debt Market Shapes Firms’ Voluntary Disclosure Practices (with Amanda Badger and Charles Wasley)
The Effect of Ratings Recalibration in the Municipal Bond Market (with Anne Beatty, Reining Petacchi, and Joseph Weber)
She holds a MS in Business Administration and a PhD from the University of Rochester.