The videos and written materials below were selected to help you prepare for the event next week.
95 min
CFANY’s Value Investing Education Workshop I
A stock valuation technique derived from a method created by Sir John Templeton.Source: CFA Society New York
74 min
CFANY’s Value Investing Education Workshop II
A history lesson on value investing.Source: CFA Society New York
80 min
The Mario Gabelli School of Value Investing
One firm’s valuation techniques.Source: CFA Society New York
10 min
Interview With Tweedy, Browne & More
An interview with several managers of Tweedy, Browne, asks how relevant Ben Graham’s philosophy is today.Source: Seeking Alpha
10 min
Fact, Fiction, and Value Investing (Digest Summary)
This summary of a paper from Journal of Portfolio Management on value investing is a little old but its illumination of “fact and fiction” in value investing is timeless.Source: CFA Institute
2 min
How Do You Analyze Industries That Are in Secular Decline?
Short, relevant video clip (Mario Gabelli School of Value Investing).Source: CFA Society New York
2 min
Private Market Value with a Catalyst, Explained
Short, relevant video clip (Mario Gabelli School of Value Investing).Source: CFA Society New York