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- Melanie Petsch
Melanie Petsch
Melanie Petsch is the Lead Data Scientist, Regulation at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
Prior to taking her current role in 2018, Melanie founded and ran Petsch Analytics, LLC, a research consultancy, for nine years. Other prestigious firms Melanie has worked for include Goldman, Sachs & Co., AllianceBernstein, and TIAA-CREF. Since 2010, Melanie has been an Adjunct Associate Professor at either Columbia’s School of International and Political Affairs or Columbia Business School.
Her areas of expertise include:
- Analysis of truly big quote and trade data
- Quantitative financial research and data visualization
- Regulation, market microstructure, trading, active equity portfolio management
Melanie studied in the finance Ph.D. program at the University of Chicago and holds an MBA from the University of Chicago and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University.
Melanie is on the Advisory Council of Purdue University’s School of Mechanical Engineering and the board of the Society of Quantitative Analysts and has previously been a member of the Research Committee of the Q Group, a member of the Chicago Quantitative Alliance, and a Trustee for Woodbury College.
Melanie is widely published on financial topics, including “Beating Benchmarks,” which won an award for “Outstanding Article” in the Journal of Portfolio Management and “Creating Shareholder Value,” which was published as the lead article in the inaugural issue of The Journal of Risk Finance. Melanie has also written a book, Commodities as an Asset Class, and chapters of other books on commodities.
- 2018 recipient of an Outstanding Mechanical Engineer award from Purdue University
- 2019 “Women Innovators in Finance” panelist for the International Association of Quantitative Finance