Alexander Kazan

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Cvent Transition Guide

As a core member of the egX leadership team, Alex is helping build the next-generation platform connecting users and producers of political analysis around the world. In his role, Alex oversees several strategic initiatives, including leadership of the research team and directing investment partnerships. Among these partnerships are the firm’s collaboration with Nikko Asset Management to develop groundbreaking investment products formally incorporating political risk in portfolio construction and risk management. Alex is also the firm’s global strategist, and in this role works closely with a wide range of global firms to help them understand, anticipate, and plan for geopolitical changes.

Previously, Alex led Eurasia Group’s Global Strategy and Analytics practices, where he pioneered several quantitative approaches to political risk, including Eurasia Group’s Political Risk Country Portfolio, a systematic comparative framework for analyzing the market pricing of political risk across emerging markets.

Before joining Eurasia Group, Alex worked as a market strategist at Goldman Sachs, Daiwa Asset Management, and Bear Stearns. Earlier in his career, he worked at the G7 Group, an economic and policy research consultancy, and the Inter-American Development Bank. He holds degrees from the University of California, Davis, and Georgetown University. Alex was born in San Francisco and now lives in New York with his two sons.