Andrew Garson, CFA

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Andrew Garson is an Institutional ETF Specialist at Invesco. In this role, he partners with institutions by providing education, deep product and market knowledge, and implementation strategies across Invesco’s ETF range.

Mr. Garson joined Invesco in 2021. Prior to his current role, he was a senior manager within Invesco ETF marketing, where he led a team responsible for marketing ETF insights and solutions to institutions, financial advisors, and the general public. Before joining the firm, he worked at BlackRock in roles across the firm’s operations and marketing businesses, covering ETFs, mutual funds, models, institutional mandates, and separate accounts. Mr. Garson has been in the industry since 2014.

Mr. Garson earned a BSBA degree, summa cum laude, in finance, marketing, and economics from the University of Pittsburgh. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) charterholder and member of the CFA Society of New York. Mr. Garson holds the Series 7, 24 and 63 registrations.