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DeAndra Wilson

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Society News, Press Releases

State of the Society: 2024-25

January 29th, 2025|

2021 marked CFA Society New York’s first full-fiscal-year of the COVID-19 era – a fact unthinkable at the time we wrote our 2020 State of the Society letter. More importantly, however, is the fortitude and resiliency our community has demonstrated since.

State of the Society: 2023-24

February 29th, 2024|

2021 marked CFA Society New York’s first full-fiscal-year of the COVID-19 era – a fact unthinkable at the time we wrote our 2020 State of the Society letter. More importantly, however, is the fortitude and resiliency our community has demonstrated since.

State of the Society: 2022-23

March 14th, 2023|

2021 marked CFA Society New York’s first full-fiscal-year of the COVID-19 era – a fact unthinkable at the time we wrote our 2020 State of the Society letter. More importantly, however, is the fortitude and resiliency our community has demonstrated since.

State of the Society: 2021-22

April 4th, 2022|

2021 marked CFA Society New York’s first full-fiscal-year of the COVID-19 era – a fact unthinkable at the time we wrote our 2020 State of the Society letter. More importantly, however, is the fortitude and resiliency our community has demonstrated since.

Statement of Solidarity

March 19th, 2021|

We are saddened to learn of the heinous and senseless killing of eight people in Atlanta, including six women of Asian descent. Sadly, this incident is not an isolated event. Since the onset of the pandemic, hate crimes against Asians have risen at an alarming rate, with nearly 3,800 incidents reported.

Strategic Planning, Member Perspectives

March 11th, 2021|

Every three years, the Society engages in a process for strategic planning, that gathers the different perspectives of those we serve in the profession—whether through membership, participation in CFA Society New York’s educational programming or other interactions. Diverse perspectives help us critically view our strengths and weaknesses through a variety of lenses, which helps us create a more inclusive strategic plan on how we can best serve our community.