Cory Lester

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Mr. Lester has over twelve years of investment experience at Morgan Creek Capital Management.  He joined Morgan Creek in January 2006 as an analyst and was promoted to Managing Director, Public Investments in 2015.  Mr. Lester has worked from Morgan Creek’s New York office since 2006 and during his career has focused on a variety of investment strategies across many asset classes and geographies.  Beginning in 2012, he became exclusively focused on Global Equities across Morgan Creek’s various investment solutions and portfolios, including becoming Co-Portfolio Manager of the Morgan Creek Global Equity Long/Short Institutional Fund (“MCGELSIF”) and the Morgan Creek Opportunity Fund (“MCOF”).  Mr. Lester led the transition of both funds to the Hybrid Model in 2013 and, in 2018, the rebranding of MCOF to the Asana Global Select Fund (“AGSF”).  AGSF is a more concentrated and direct version of MCGELSIF.  Additionally, Mr. Lester was responsible for spear-heading Morgan Creek’s co-investment activity in the Alibaba Group during 2014 and 2015.  Prior to Morgan Creek, he was a Junior Analyst for Sands Point Capital Management in New York.  He graduated from Davidson College in 2005 with his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics.  Mr. Lester is an active New York City Board Member for Street Soccer USA and lives in Brooklyn, New York with his wife and son.