Defina Maluki, CFA

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Defina Maluki is the Chief Investment Officer and Co-Founder of Sagewood Asset Management LLC. Prior to Sagewood, he was the Head of Volatility Strategies for the Wealth and Investment Management division of Barclays in the Americas. Previously, he was a Senior Portfolio Manager at Credit Suisse, where he led a team that developed and managed absolute return volatility strategies as well as options-based hedging strategies for institutional and high net worth clients. 

Defina began his career at Goldman Sachs, where he developed fixed income trading and hedging models for a quantitative-macro hedge fund.

A CFA® charterholder, Defina holds an MBA from the University of Chicago and a BS with high honors in Electrical Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology. He serves on the board of Amref Health Africa in the USA. Defina lives in Manhattan with his wife and two daughters.