Emily Thomas, CFA

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Emily is the lead Investing with Impact analyst for the Global Investment Manager Analysis (GIMA) team at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management. In this role, she identifies and researches managers across asset classes for Morgan Stanley’s Investing with Impact Platform and serves as a resource to Financial Advisors. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley, Emily worked at Cambridge Associates where she identified emerging trends, risks, and opportunities across global investment markets. As part of this role, she provided research for and wrote reports on the growth of the sustainable investing field in conjunction with Cambridge’s Mission Related Investing Group.

In 2020, Emily took on an expanded role as a co-leader of the diversity and inclusion efforts within GIMA.

Emily graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with a B.A. and received a Masters from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. She is also a member of CFA Society New York where she is currently the vice-chair of the Sustainable Investing Group.