Juan Pablo Carreto Chapa, ED, CFA

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Juan Pablo is an Executive Director in the Global Derivatives Solutions organization. He joined the Team in New York in August 2021 as a Vice-President, where he focuses on constructing customized Solutions for hedging purposes and broad portfolio diversification for Ultra High Net Worth Clients. He joined the Mexico Investment Solutions Team in August 2016 as an Associate, to continue the enrichment of idea generation, implementation and execution of Mexican products for onshore accounts.

Previously he worked as a fixed income and derivatives trader at GBM, Grupo Bursátil Mexicano for 3 years and 7 months, and focused on expanding front desk revenue through service and execution for institutional clients as well as for the proprietary position; he also participated on idea generation and implementation through fixed income and foreign exchange products.

Juan Pablo holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance from Universidad Panamericana, where he participated in the CFA Research Challenge 2012 representing UP. He holds the CFA Charterholder designation since 2017 and CAIA designation since 2020.