Judy Lagrou

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Judy Lagrou is an Editorial Intern at CNBC and a Master of Arts candidate in Journalism at the NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. Her specialization in Business and Economic Reporting combines journalism coursework with MBA courses at NYU’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business. She is also the recipient of the Marjorie Deane Fellowship in Financial Journalism.

After a robust career on Wall Street, Judy is moving into the field of financial journalism with the goal of making economic and business news more relatable to a broader audience. Her finance career includes roles at global firms such as Morgan Stanley, where she enhanced municipal bond investor targeting strategies, and at Morningstar, where she focused on improving equity research and data product implementation practices. Among several other accolades, Judy has also earned four FINRA securities licenses – Series 7, 52, 63, and 79 – and is currently a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level 2 candidate.

Prior to working in finance, Judy spent a decade in university administration where she established herself as a leader at institutions such as Duke University, the University of Chicago Law School, and Northwestern University.

Judy earned a Bachelor of Arts in American Studies from Stanford University and a Master’s in Higher Education Administration from Harvard University. She lives in New York City.