Kevin A. Kaylakie, CFP, CPWA

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Kevin A. Kaylakie, CFP, CPWA, is the Founder & CEO of SineCera Capital, LLC, a boutique multi-family office and wealth advisory firm located in Austin, TX. He has spent the majority of his career working exclusively with high-net-worth families, family offices, and business owners.

Prior to founding SineCera Capital, Kevin worked with Northern Trust, Merrill Lynch, and large Registered Investment Advisory firm in Central Texas.

He graduated from Auburn University where he earned his BSBA in International Business. He has also earned the Certified Financial Planner™ and Certified Private Wealth Advisor® designations through advanced studies at The University of Texas at Austin and The University of Chicago Booth School of Business. As a native and dedicated Austinite, Kevin has volunteered with many local organizations including Hospice Austin, The Capital Area Dental Foundation, The Seton Fund, Austin Opera, The Mary Claire Project, Emmaus Catholic Parish, and The Diocese of Austin.

When he is away from the office, he enjoys spending time with his wife and their five children. Kevin is an avid reader, marginal golfer, amateur woodworker, and enjoys recharging at his family’s ranch in the Texas Hill Country.