Kevin Dreyer

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Mr. Dreyer is Co-Chief Investment Officer, Value at GAMCO. He serves as a Portfolio Manager of the Gabelli Asset Fund, the Gabelli Equity Trust, the Gabelli Dividend & Income Trust, the Gabelli Healthcare & WellnessRX Trust, the Gabelli ESG Fund, and the Gabelli Global Small and Mid Cap Value Trust. He is also part of the Value separately managed account portfolio management team.

Mr. Dreyer joined GAMCO in 2005 as a research analyst following the food and beverage industries. He began his career as an investment banking analyst at Banc of America Securities in the Mergers & Acquisitions Department. He later worked in the International Equity group at MacKay Shields.

Mr. Dreyer holds a BSE from the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from Columbia Business School. He has appeared on CNBC, Bloomberg Television and Radio, and Fox Business Network, and has been quoted in publications including The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, Bloomberg Businessweek, and Reuters.

Mr. Dreyer is a member of the Board of Trustees of Bigs and Little NYC Mentoring, which strives to transform the lives of children through one-to-one mentoring, while strengthening entire families in hardship.