Phillip Harrison

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PwC – Director of Trust Solutions Innovation & Tech

Phil Harrison is a Director of Trust Solutions Innovation & Technology for PwC, leading product development teams and strategic alliances.  He also contributes to strategy development related to the future of corporate reporting, including ESG reporting.  Phil is the father of four kids (three boys and a girl), all of whom attend the same elementary school in Spring, TX.

Currently Phil leads commercial operations for PwC’s Workiva Alliance, helping clients bring greater automation and governance to their SEC, statutory, and ESG reporting processes.  He and his team were recently recognized as Workiva’s North American Partner of the Year for 2021.

Phil started with PwC in 2008 as part of the core assurance practice, serving many high-profile clients in Banking, Trading, and Energy/Utilities, developing technical accounting expertise in derivatives, consolidation, and leasing.  He has also instructed many technical training courses for clients and universities as well as professional training forums. Before joining PwC, he was a software developer/consultant, assisting companies create custom solutions for data management and translation.

Phil graduated from Brigham Young University in 2008 with a Master’s degree in Accountancy, with a minor in Information Systems.  He is a certified public accountant in the state of Texas.