Sunny Li

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Cvent Transition Guide

Mr. Li currently works as an Associate in the Fixed Income Derivatives Sales & Trading area of Citi Markets, where he currently specializes in interest rate and currency derivatives. He entered through the Citi Sales and Trading Summer Associate Program in 2014 and has been with the company since that time.

Prior to Citi, Mr. Li was a Tactics Platoon Commander Officer Candidates School (Captain USMC)/ Chief Instructor in the U.S. Marine Corps, where he supervised the logistical construction effort to support the Marine Corps’ largest surge in history. He was also the primary instructor for the most platform classes at Officer Candidates School with audiences of over 400 including Wharton School of Business and John Hopkins’ SAIS visits. Prior to this, Mr. Li was a Marine Force Recon Infantry Officer, Platoon Commander and Executive Officer where he had a distinguished military career in the Marine Corps Operating Forces. He is a combat-wounded veteran, participated in three major offensives through several combat deployments, while simultaneously maintaining millions of dollars worth of government materials.

Mr. Li received his Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Political Science from Loyola University Maryland, where he was listed in the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges recipient, while also a United States Marine Corps Officer Candidate (Platoon leader class junior; Platoon leader class senior). He also received dual Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Public Policy (MPP) degrees from the University of Maryland College Park, both Magna Cum Laude.