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We’ve launched Cvent—our new events platform!

Registration for any event with a start date after Sept. 28 now requires a CFA Institute account.

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  • No problem! You’ll have the chance to create one prior to registration.

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  • Great! Be sure to use your existing credentials at registration.
Cvent Transition Guide

Tom is Senior Vice President, Head of Talent Acquisition for OppenheimerFunds, Inc. where he is responsible for planning and executing all recruiting activities for the firm.

Tom joined OppenheimerFunds in 2012 from Relationship Capital Partners, Inc. where he consulted with leading financial services firms. Previously, Tom had a long career at Merrill Lynch as both as an institutional salesman and as a senior manager. From 2005 to 2009, he was Merrill’s Global Head of Talent Sourcing and Recruiting.

Tom currently chairs the Board of Directors of Lime Connect, a non-profit organization whose mission is to broaden career opportunities for students and professionals with disabilities. He also serves on the advisory boards for MIT Sloan’s Finance Group and the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia. Tom graduated from UVa in 1981.