Alan Moreira

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Currently, Alan is associate professor of finance at University of Rochester Simon Graduate School of Business. From July 2011 to June 2017, he was an assistant professor of finance at Yale University. He did his PhD in Financial Economics at the University of Chicago, graduating in 2011, and his undergraduate and master studies back in Brazil at the Rio de Janeiro Federal University and PUC-RJ respectively. Alan does research in financial economics with a specialization on asset pricing and financial intermediation. His work has been published in the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, and Journal of Economic Theory and are widely cited by his peers. His work on volatility-managed portfolios has sparked interest from the industry by challenging standard financial advice. His work on shadow banking has provided a framework to think about the aggregate implications of regulating the shadow banking sector. His more recent work on the bond market turmoil of march 2020 is playing a role in the policy discussion of what went wrong.