Alicia Syrett

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Alicia Syrett is the Founder/CEO of Pantegrion Capital, an angel investment vehicle focused on seed and early stage investments, and The Point 25 Initiative which helps women-led companies build robust Advisory Boards. She was named as one of LinkedIn’s “Top Voices in Startups and Entrepreneurship,” one of the “30 Women in Venture Capital to Watch” by Business Insider, and one of the “25 Angel Investors in New York You Need to Know” by AlleyWatch. She has been featured in ForbesTechCrunchInc., The Huffington PostMashableEntrepreneurNPR’s Marketplace, and USA Today. She has appeared on CNBC and MSNBC 100+ times, and her TED talk on “Why VCs and Angel Investors Say ‘No’ to Entrepreneurs” has been viewed over 175,000 times. She is a 2019 Fellow at the Economic Club of New York, a Board Member of the NY Tech Alliance, and a Contributor for Inc. Prior to founding Pantegrion, she was the first employee and CAO of a multi-billion dollar private equity firm. She tweets @AliciaSyrett.