Amanda Veinott

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Founder & CEO – Miligistix, LLC 

Amanda Veinott is an expert in Military Talent Programs and Veterans Initiatives and is the founder and CEO of Miligistix, LLC. Amanda’s expertise revolves around educating companies and clients on how to recruit, hire, and retain service members, veterans, and military talent within their respective workforces. Amanda has created customized educational content and resources for corporations and connects companies to various governmental organizations and Veteran Service Organizations with the intent of increasing engagement between private and public entities.

Prior to expanding her expertise in Military Talent Programs, Amanda created legacy human resource initiatives, crafted leadership development and employee engagement programs, and developed and deployed organizational research and surveys. Amanda graduated from Christopher Newport University with a B.S. in Psychology, received her M.B.A., Summa Cum Laude, from Centenary College, and holds a CPC – Certification in Professional Coaching – from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, which is accredited by the International Coaching Federation. She is an Advisory Board Member for Military Friendly®/Victory Media and for Stand Beside Them, a 501(c)3 dedicated to providing coaching to our nation’s veterans. You can connect with Amanda through LinkedIn at or through