Brenna McLoughlin, CFP

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Brenna McLoughlin is a Financial Advisor at Wealthstream Advisors who takes great pleasure in building relationships with clients and drawing upon those relationships to find ways to help them achieve their goals. Brenna works with clients to gather details about their investments, income, expenses, taxes, estate planning, and insurance, and uses this data to create cash-flow projections and other analyses that help clients visualize a financially independent future. A key component of her role is researching and proposing financial-planning opportunities that may have a positive impact on clients’ lives. Brenna also loves getting to know clients’ children and helping them make informed decisions with regard to their own savings, expenses, debt, and investments.

Prior to joining Wealthstream Advisors as a wealth management analyst, Brenna worked as a financial planning associate at a New York City-based wealth management firm serving high–net worth individuals and families. There, she supported three teams of advisors, and gained experience in speaking with clients to understand their needs and goals, incorporating their objectives into customized portfolios. Earlier work included several years as a magazine writer and editor for Condé Nast Publications, where she gained invaluable research and communications skills that continue to serve her in her work with Wealthstream’s clients.

Brenna is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional. She received a certificate in financial planning from New York University in 2013 and a Bachelor of Arts in biological anthropology and anatomy from Duke University in 2001.

Brenna has been featured as a financial-planning expert on Jill Schlesinger’s Better Off podcast and on CBS News.

Since 2018, Brenna has volunteered as an instructor and mentor with Rock the Street, Wall Street, a nonprofit organization that builds programs designed to inspire and equip high-school girls with the skills to succeed financially and potentially pursue a career in finance.

Brenna lives with her husband Will and daughter Willa in New York City. She enjoys cooking for family and friends, jogging in Hudson River Park or on her native Long Island, and reading classic and contemporary fiction. Her favorite book is Stern Men, by Elizabeth Gilbert.