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Cvent Transition Guide

Marc R. Pinto, CFA, is a Managing Director in the Financial Institutions Group. He is currently responsible for global credit ratings and research in the insurance and asset management industries. Mr. Pinto is also a sponsor of the Moody’s Network of CFA Charterholders, an active contributor to employee professional development initiatives, a Mentor Advisor in the Women’s Mentoring Program, and a member of the Asset Management Committee which oversees Moody’s retirement savings plans.

Prior to Moody’s, Mr. Pinto worked as a sell-side, buy-side and credit rating agency analyst in both New York and London. He was a top-ranked analyst (and lead several research departments) at Merrill Lynch, Head of Corporate Bond Strategy at broker/dealer Susquehanna International, a portfolio manager at KBW Asset Management, now part of Stifel Financial, and a Director at Fitch Ratings. Mr. Pinto began his career at the United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome.

Mr. Pinto is a graduate of Columbia Business School and Trinity College (CT).