Meena Lakshman, CFA

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Meena Lakshman serves as the Director of Strategy and Research for the Investments team at the Helmsley Charitable Trust. In this role, she is involved in the overall investments process, macro research, asset allocation, and management of Helmsley’s portfolio.

Prior to joining Helmsley, Meena was a portfolio specialist at Morgan Stanley Investment Management. In her eight years there, she managed multi-asset class portfolios that were invested globally across asset classes. She conducted macro-economic research as a member of the investment committee, pitched relative value trade ideas, and evaluated managers for addition to the portfolio. She also carried out process, performance, and risk review of portfolios with institutional clients and marketed the strategy to institutional clients and financial advisors. Previously, she was a lead portfolio manager of a balanced fund at SBI Mutual Fund in India. She also successfully brought a number of corporate IPOs to market in her role as an investment banking account manager at I-Sec, a leading Indian private financial institution.

Meena received a B.Sc from the St. Xaviers College, India, and an MBA from JBIMS, India. She has an MBA from North Carolina State University and holds the CFA designation.