Dr. Mehrzad Mahdavi

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Dr. Mehrzad Mahdavi, CEO of FDP (Financial Data Professional) Institute. Dr. Mahdavi is a recognized expert in the transformative role of technology across a wide range of businesses. He has extensive experience in developing strategy, acquiring funding, growing revenue and commercializing new products and services. He has held positions ranging from Research Scientist for a major Laboratory to a Global Vice President for both Schlumberger and Weatherford as well as serving as a Chief Executive Officer and Board Member for private equity funded firms. He also has served ten years as a CEO of several entrepreneurial companies. Dr. Mahdavi serves as an Executive Advisor for technology firms and Fortune 500 companies. Recognized as an authority on Digital Technologies, Mehrzad is a frequent keynote speaker and panelist covering topics including Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security. Mehrzad earned a PhD. in Nuclear Science and Radiological Engineering from the University of Michigan. He is the Founder, Chair and Board Member of the Digital Energy Technical Section for the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). Most recently, Dr. Mahdavi has been named as the Executive Director of the Financial Data Professionals (FDP) Institute. The Institute is the leading global body to recognize the importance of bringing together financial specialty expertise with AI and Data Science.