Rajpal Arulpragasam

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Mr. Arulpragasam is COO at Pavise Capital Management LLC. Pavise is an emerging equity hedge fund manager that uses a behavioral ‘soft catalyst’ framework to access the largely untapped pool of qualitative alpha available to equity investors.

Prior to joining Pavise in 2019, Mr. Arulpragasam was the CEO of Archetype Risk Advisors, Inc. (“ARA”, which he founded in 1991. ARA was a quantitative alternative investments manager and risk consultancy, where he was responsible for the overall strategic management of the firm, as well as R&D and business development.

Mr. Arulpragasam has three decades of experience building trading models and then launching and running hedge fund management companies. ARA has built risk models and managed trading strategies across multiple asset classes and strategies, including fixed income arbitrage, systematic trend-following, long/short and market-neutral equity strategies, and volatility-based modeling.

Prior to founding ARA, Mr. Arulpragasam was head of research at Fairfield Financial Corp., a boutique yield curve arbitrage firm, where he also served on the trading desk.

Mr. Arulpragasam earned his B.S. in mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, followed by graduate studies at Stanford University in the field of operations research.