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4th National Pension Funds Conference
September 25, 2018
Please Note: Completion of the online registration process does not guarantee your admission. CFA Society New York expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to grant or deny admission to any individual registrant, at any point, based on a variety of factors. Denied registrants will have their paid registration fees refunded in full.
In situations concerning or related to registration capacity, admission will be decided on a case-by-case basis. At the sole discretion of CFA Society New York, priority will be afforded to members of CFA Society New York and—in the case of Asset Owner Series events—confirmed asset owners.
AOS “Pensions” Triple-Conference Bundle
Attend all three events for $125 ($350 for nonmembers)
Series Sponsors and Partners

Moderators and panelists are always genuine asset owners or investment consultants. Sponsors* may provide either:
- Relevant high-level thought leading opening or closing keynote addresses
- Brief opening or closing remarks
*Includes both Series sponsors and partners, as well as individual-event sponsors and partners.
Who Should Attend
Asset owners, portfolio managers and research analysts employed at asset management firms, investment banks, hedge funds, mutual funds, and insurance companies, as well as pension plan sponsors; professionals working at potential participants on the issuance side, including corporations and private equity firms; and service providers such as attorneys, consultants, and rating agency personnel. Asset owners receive complimentary registration*
*In general, asset owners must be employed by a sovereign wealth fund, corporate pension fund, endowment, public employee pension fund, foundation, single family office with +$1 billion AUM, governmental treasury, insurance company investing division, state investment corporation, multilateral development bank or other governmental fund. CFA Society New York has full discretion on who qualifies as an asset owner attendee.
CFA Society New York reserves right to decline admission / refund registration costs. No walk-ins or press permitted.
Dress Code: No jeans allowed; business attire recommended. This event is in-house and is not being broadcasted nor recorded. No media will be present and speaker or attendee attribution, in any form, is a violation of CFA Society New York’s code of conduct. Seats are limited to investment professionals only, so if you would like to attend, please request an invitation. When requesting an invitation, you will be prompted to provide your name, title, company and email address.