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Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017 5:45 pm – 8:30 pm
CFA NY Conference Center 1540 Broadway Suite 1010
To Attend Members Only Cost: $30
5:45pm: Registration
6:00pm: Introductions
Carole K. Crawford, CFA, Founder and Managing Partner, fincap360 David A. Evans, CFA, Founder, DEFT Capital Advisors, LLC
6:05pm: Keynote Address and Q&A
Caitlin Long, Chairman & President, Symbiont
6:50pm: Panel Discussion and Q&A
Jeff Bandman, Principal, Bandman Advisors; Founding Director, LabCFTC Dan Doney, CEO, Securrency Inc. Andreas Wallendahl, Strategic Initiatives & Business Development, ConsenSys Jonathan Levine, Solution Architect, Xerox
Moderator: Nikhil Nayab, Blockchain/Capital Markets, Accenture
7:55pm: Closing Remarks
Jonathan Prin, CFA, Managing Director and Head of Research, Greylock Capital
8:00pm: Networking & Refreshments
We bring together leading visionaries, entrepreneurs, investors, and practitioners in blockchain, distributed ledger technology, and cryptocurrency. The program starts with a brief overview of blockchain technologies followed by a keynote speaker, who addresses current landscape, including how technology may impact charter holders’ careers. Finally, a panel of leading entrepreneurs, investment professionals, and financial services professionals discusses current cases/projects both inside and outside financial services.
Features, Benefits, Values
Attendees will gain understanding of current developments in blockchain/distributed ledger technology – including use cases in financial services and industry – that will shape the investment landscape of the future.
Major Points
- Overview of blockchain and the current state of the industry
- Areas of the financial industry where blockchain/DLT and cryptocurrency is being explored and which areas are closest to widespread adoption
- Areas outside financial services that represent the most promising use cases/investment opportunities
- How the technology will impact the skills required for a career in financial services
Learning Objectives
- Gain an understanding of blockchain and the current state of the industry
- Understand areas of the financial industry where blockchain/DLT and cryptocurrency is being explored and which areas are closest to widespread adoption
- Understand areas outside financial services that represent the most promising use cases/investment opportunities
- Understand how the technology will impact the skills required for a career in financial services
Who Should Attend
Chief Executive Officer; Founder; Partner; Managing Director; Chief Investment Officer; President; Vice President; Associate; Associate
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