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Recent high-profile hedge fund stories have garnered attention for hedge funds and generated concerns over the levels of exposure enabled by banks’ prime brokerage departments. This level of scrutiny recalls changes the industry experienced after the 2008 financial crisis, when new regulation revised requirements on banks’ prime brokerage departments, affecting the scope of services they were able to provide to their clients and the relationship with the hedge fund managers more broadly.
In the years that followed, the hedge fund industry went through a process of change and maturity to adapt to the current environment. Now, in the wake of these new concerns, the industry once again faces the prospect of renewed regulator interest and potential policy change. What are the implications of this increased attention for key players in the hedge fund space, including the funds themselves as well as prime brokers and regulators?
Anna Sembos, PhD, CFA, Managing Director, CIFC Asset Management, Co-Chair of the Alternative Investments Group, CFA Society New York
Ted Post, Co-Head of Prime Services Sales, Americas, BNP Paribas
Mark Bailey, Head of Financial Resource Management (FRM) & Broker Management, Two Sigma Investments
Manda D’Agata, Co-Head, Middle Office/Treasurer, Elliott Investment Management
David Zirin, Chief Operating Officer, Pentwater Capital Management, LP
1:15 PM | Q&A
Patrick Nessenthaler, CFA, CAIA, Vice Chair of Alternative Investments Group, CFA Society New York
Additional Details
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the use of financing and leverage in hedge fund strategies
- Examine the role of prime brokers and other hedge fund service providers
- Discuss the potential implications of recent high-profile stories for the hedge fund industry