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Green Bond Investment Outlook
February 2, 2017
Green Bond Investment Outlook
February 2, 2017
Green bonds continue to set new volume records this year. About $26 billion in green bonds came to market in the third quarter alone, bringing the year-to-date global total to $63 billion. It is now expected that 2016 will be the best year on record, with volume likely to exceed $80 billion. With China’s increasing commitments to the green bond market, issuance could even reach $100 billion in 2016. While the growth rate has been impressive, absolute green bonds volume still represents only a small fraction, less than 1% by some estimates, of the total worldwide fixed income market.
Green bonds have served as an important catalyst to focus attention on climate change and the collective actions that must be taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, the green bond market will have to achieve geometric growth if this segment of the bond market is to play a significant role in mobilizing capital toward environmental solutions. To achieve the Paris Climate agreement goal of limiting greenhouse gas emissions by holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2° Celsius above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5° Celsius above pre-industrial levels, an unprecedented allocation of capital will be required to green the global economy. Estimates for the amount of climate finance needed for this transition vary widely, but generally range from around $34-$114 trillion over the next 12 years. This, by necessity, will involve mobilizing public funds and also re-channeling a substantial flow of private capital towards sustainability projects.
Green bonds are expected to play an important role in such mobilization initiatives The event is intended to focus on current green market dynamics, such as why we don’t see even higher levels green bond issuance, but importantly, it will address the factors that could further stimulate the future growth and development of green bonds in the US and overseas.
What You Will Learn:
The evolution of, in addition to the outlook for, the green bond market
Understanding and managing green bond risks
Green bond opportunities in the corporate bond market
The potential for green project bonds financing green infrastructure
The rise of green bond funds
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