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Private Wealth Management Group Meeting

April 26, 2023 | 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

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Group Description

The Private Wealth Management Thought Leadership Group seeks to enrich and enable finance professionals to meet the modern needs of private clients, and to remain at the forefront of professionalism and knowledge in serving private clients. The Group welcomes CFANY members who manage assets for individuals and for themselves.  Our group members are creative, well-read, and forward-thinking in our private discussions and in our presentations to the general membership of CFANY.  Their professional practices encompass portfolio management, investment research, investment advisory, financial planning, and firm leadership.   We focus discussions and meetings on investment strategy, implementation, and communications with the goal of enriching our professional experience and practice.

The Group pursues collaboration with other CFANY groups in programming, especially with the Value Investing and Market Integrity Interest Groups.  The group encourages its members to participate in other activities at CFANY, such as volunteering to grade reports, mentoring a university team, or judging the Final Four in the Investment Challenge.