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SaaS and Recurring Revenue Modeling & Analysis

September 16, 2023 | 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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Cvent Transition Guide


Presented by Wall Street Prep

Led by experienced SaaS-focused investment professionals, this boot camp is an introduction on the real world tools used by investment professionals to analyze and forecast revenue and margins for SaaS and other recurring revenue based businesses

Specifically, trainees will learn the “how” and “why” of modeling a recurring revenue company’s ARR and MRR, how to contrast these non-GAAP metrics to revenue, how to perform cohort analyses and analyze churn, as well as how to analyze unit economics like LTV/CAC to better understand a businesses and to ultimately make better investment decisions.

CFANY.org: $1199

Standard Rate: $1499

Boot Camp Details

Who Is This Boot Camp For?

  • Sell-side analysts and associates
  • Buy-side analysts and associates
  • MBA students and business undergraduates
  • Anyone looking to get a better understanding of research