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Putting Beneficiaries First Series
1st Annual US Retirement and Entitlement Slow-Moving Crisis Summit: Putting Objectivity and Integrity First
Thursday, February 8 | 5:30 – 8:00
Followed by a catered networking reception
Members: FREE | Nonmembers: $30
Free to Members & Nonmembers
Media/Press: Complimentary admission with pre-approval. Please contact Jenny Ball at for related inquiries.
Thursday, Feb. 8
Followed by catered networking reception
CFA NY Conference Center
1540 Broadway
45th St. Entrance
Suite 1010
To Attend
Members: FREE
Nonmembers: $30
Livestream registration free to members & nonmembers
This event will feature thought leaders that represent apolitical financial institutions such as OppenheimerFunds and Moody’s Investors Service, in addition to objective nonprofit organizations such as the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, CFA Institute, the Brookings Institution and the World Economic Forum, for a data driven discussion focused on quantifying the credit and market risks associated with US federal and municipal government unfunded public pension and entitlement liabilities, in addition to the national federal debt. This event is hosted as a part of the CFA Society New York’s “Putting Beneficiaries First” initiative.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that federal interest outlays will absorb around 15% of fiscal revenue by fiscal year 2026, up from 8% in fiscal 2017. The CBO also estimates gross federal debt will exceed $30 trillion by fiscal 2027, the same year which Social Security expenditures are expected to approach$1.7 trillion and Medicare / Medicaid expenses will collectively eclipse $2 trillion, up from $910 billion and $1.1 trillion in fiscal 2016, respectively. Interest payments as a percentage of the federal budget, in addition to the annual cost of the three main entitlement line items of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, beyond the scope of the CBO’s 10-year projections, will be a key focus of this discussion, as will unfunded municipal pension liabilities.
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