Events for February 18, 2025

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2nd Annual Infrastructure Outlook: Data Centers and Student Housing

Virtual Only

As society has quickly adopted the ‘internet-of-things,’ 5G, and cloud computing, data centers have grown from a niche segment to a critical component of our nation’s Infrastructure. The top four hyperscalers (Microsoft, AWS, Google, and Meta) are expected to invest approximately $1 trillion to keep up with demand, including from resource-heavy artificial intelligence. Historically this investment was done in-house, but now external financing is needed to help fill the void.

Communication, Leadership & Public Speaking: hosted by CFANY Toastmasters

Hybrid-CFA Society NY 1540 Broadway, 10th Fl, New York

Become the Speaker You Want to Be -- Don’t present timid forecasts to CIOs or shy away from telling clients the hard truth: Let CFANY Toastmasters inject confidence and structure into your verbal and written business communication. Participate in our fun and supportive group and gain the skills to make your investment recommendations the ones that get everyone talking!