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Emerging and Frontier Markets Series
Latin American Capital Markets Conference
June 25, 2014
By now, any serious global investor knows about the tremendous economic potential of Latin America and the significant strides many of its countries have made over the past decades. The only questions for those without direct experience are the mechanics of investing and the balancing of unique risk and reward factors. What distinguishes Latin America from other developing markets? Which investment vehicles are appropriate for these growth countries? What are the risk factors involved and how can one approach the task of quantifying them? Expert panels of seasoned investment professionals will give the audience a true insider’s view from those who have been ahead of the curve in the burgeoning Latin American investment field. Those interested in any genre of investment, be it fixed income, private and public equity, or highly-structured vehicles such as project finance, will have an opportunity to hear from someone who has succeeded in delivering returns from these investments in one of the world’s most dynamic regions.
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