Conference / Seminar, Performance & Risk Analytics, Virtual Events & Programming

Navigating Higher Due Diligence Demands in the ESG, Frontier and Emerging Markets Sectors

March 14, 2023 | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

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Cvent Transition Guide


The manager selection and due diligence processes for ESG, emerging and frontier market investments each present their own complexities. The availability of data, comparability of methodology and assumptions, ambiguous benchmarks and cultural and language differences across these divergent markets all contribute. Hear how two highly visible industry experts address these issues in their research.



Steven J. Lerit, CFA, Co-Chair, Performance and Risk Analytics Group

12:05 PM | SPEAKER

Faisal Rafi, FIA, Head of Research, RisCura

Mark Sloss, Founder/CEO, Regenerative Investment Strategies, LLC

1:15 PM | Q&A

Allen Xiao, CFA, CPA, FCSI, Co-Chair, Performance and Risk Analytics Group

Additional Details

Learning Outcomes

  • Global due diligence
  • Manager search and selection