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Systemic Risk Conference: What Are the Odds of Financial Collapse?
December 3, 2014
NYSSA in collaboration with CFA Institute is hosting a half-day conference that brings together experts from different organizations dealing with Systemic Risk. They will present and discuss major risk factors in today’s financial system – what has been fixed and what still needs to be done.
The Financial Crisis of 2008 was the most serious threat to the world economy since the Great Crash of 1929. This time, the Fed and the government were able to avoid an ensuing Great Depression by applying the lessons learned last time.
Still, the fact that the crisis did happen in this age, demonstrated that regulators are unable to predict and prevent all systemic risk events. Too much trust placed in the large financial institutions and the resiliency of the system provided both regulators and the public with a false sense of security and even complacency in the years leading up to the crisis.
There is no question that we are now in a somewhat better place than we were prior to 2009. But is enough being done? What are the known and unknown risks that could lead to a financial system collapse? Is there an obvious elephant in the room that no one is willing to acknowledge?
Who should attend?
The risk of another financial crisis is a concern for everyone. Nonetheless, the people who would benefit most from attending the conference are those who can gain actionable insight from the information presented and from addressing questions to the panelists. They include:
- Investment Strategists, Portfolio Managers and Risk Officers
- Elected officials and congressional staffers
- Regulators
- Members of the Media
- Members of organizations that advise on Systemic Risk
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